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Lymfan, fascian och nervsystemet

När lymfsystemet fungerar bra, transporteras slaggprodukter bort, immunsystemet stärks, närings upptaget ökar och din bindväv renas. En frisk bindväv är elastisk och smidig. Fascian/bindväven fungerar som en kroppsstrumpa som håller ihop och skyddar oss. De flesta smärtreceptorer finns här, den är även viktig för vår kommunikation i kroppen. Vid stress och trauma så kan den därför bli stel och minska lymf- och blodflödet vilket gör att vi kan känna oss ömma, svullna, få kalla händer och fötter, trötta, stela m.m. 

Här har vi samlat gratis egenvård som jobbar med dina flöden som lymf- och glymfsystemet, fascian (bindväven) och nervsystemet. När du jobbar med det ena av dessa system jobbar du oftast samtidigt med dom andra eftersom dom jobbar och finns så nära intill varandra. 

Self-care during treatment

Nif we have received a lympha fascia treatment, it is extra positive to also do self-care at home. The most important thing is always to get the clavicle pits started if you don't have the energy or time to do the whole thing. This is best done automatically when you shower, dry or lubricate yourself. We learn that everything should go up to the collarbone pits, so we lubricate and wipe in that direction.

The activation exercises helps to stabilize and balance the body after a treatment. In a treatment, we let go of many stops and compensations, which can make you feel unstable. These exercises are also great for anyone with any kind of knee, back or hip pain. Often we have compensations such as stiff thighs, calfes, back, at the piriformis and gluteus medius area. These compensate for other muscles not doing their job. So when we activate the muscles that they are compensating for, they can relax. Most pain are due to muscles overworking, therefore it is common that pain reduces or dissappear when balanced. When we are more balanced, we also automatically get a better bllod and lymph flow in the body.

Fyra posturala aktiveringsövningar

Fyra posturala aktiveringsövningar

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Egenvård av lymfsystemet

Egenvård av lymfsystemet

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Do you have neck and jaw problems?

The glymphatic system is the lymph for the head. Deep sleep between 9-01 am is especially important as the brain "shrinks" and the glymphatic system can then transport away all the rubbish. This is why poor sleep can make us feel foggy.  One third of the body's lymph nodes are located in the neck and it can therefore be a good idea to sometimes help the system to function better, there is a reason why the body protects the head. When we get better glyme flow, both sinus problems and toothache can actually go away. Pluses on the edge are also finer skin, fewer wrinkles and an extended neck (often the neck becomes shorter due to the wrong position).

Tense jaws are often related to emotional problems and also problems with the hip. Often we have more problems in the jaw on the side we have problems with the hip. Piriformis problems are also closely related to the jaws. Here we also get into why posture is so important.

Tips on how you can use self-care for neck and jaw problems.

1. Do the Glymf selfcare treatment 

2. Do neck and jaw balancing. Also try alternating it with trauma tapping to let go of emotional blocks, often it gets better even if you don't feel you have it. So test.

3. Do the exercises to unlock arms and chest back. 

NOTE: No films are yet in english but you can follow how to do it

Egenvård Glymfsystemet

Egenvård Glymfsystemet

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Nack- och käkbalansering

Nack- och käkbalansering

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