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How was the Health flow born?

From many flows to one healthflow

Together, we have long and complementary experience in the health industry. For just over a year, we have created a concept that we also worked according to in our treatments. In 2022, we have started training others in our concept. Previously, for a long time, we sent clients between Postural Movement and Hamaya, depending on which part of the body or mind needed priority at that time. We have realized how important it is to work with all flows and to alternate between them. Together we concluded that a separate concept and a joint company was the best way forward. Here, the idea is that the therapist should have knowledge to work with and prioritize what the client needs. But also send clients to therapists who are experts in other areas that are not part of our concept, such as diet.

Giving back the power to act and the knowledge to influence one's own health is an important part for us. By giving clients and therapists access to tools both online and physically on site, we want to spread our concept. We help the individual (both client and therapist) to understand how and why we need to connect the physical body systems with the emotional and mental. In the concept, we help the individual to prioritize which system they can start with in order to then move on. We want to give a basis to those who don't have one. Connect and highlight each individual's talent and knowledge register by using the life experience, knowledge and intuition they already have. In other words, we want our concept to tie together all the knowledge that the client and the therapist already have.

Get to know us better

Our stories


Christina Carlsson

I want to start with a confession. I have always enjoyed working with people but my interest in health and fitness was once minimal. I trained from the beginning as an economist and then worked as a business controller at large IT companies and loved my job and free time. My concern for my body was then, in my opinion, something that would only work. When I then got burned out and got an autoimmune rheumatic disease, Bechterew's, my life at that time turned upside down. From being happy and energetic, I felt like a shadow of myself and could no longer work or be social.

I decided to find out how I could get completely healthy. When you are in pain, you become very motivated to find a solution. This motivation led me to quit my job, sell my apartment and start investing in education. I trained in many different therapies but stuck to the basics of postural training, movement training and kinesiology. Together they were, for me, a fantastic combination.

I also have many other therapies to thank for my health today. Without looking at the diet, my inner development and different ways to balance the body's biochemistry, it would never have worked. The road to recovery was anything but straight but very educational. I have experienced things I didn't think existed and met an incredible number of inspiring and fantastic people. This inspired me to work with what I do today.

Today I have understood that we always live with different degrees of health and depending on what we do, we shift on the scale. Our body is constantly changing and tells us, if we choose to listen, whether it likes what we do or not. When we do something it doesn't like for long periods of time, it starts whining and if we give it what it wants, it thanks us with good energy and easy steps.

I believe it is important that we get tools to deal with life's ups and downs. That we learn to listen to the body and take care of ourselves. By having access to exercises that strengthen us physically, reduce stress and pain, we have given it a better opportunity for self-healing. When we learn to understand ourselves better, we can create a sustainable lifestyle both physically, emotionally and mentally.


Yvonne Kamb

Driving force?

A desire to make a difference to people has been with me ever since I  read books about Lotta who went to Africa as a child

as a nurse and helped the children. I never became a nurse :)     

Have instead found other ways to make a difference.


For me, it is important to look after the whole person. Taking care of both body, soul and mind.

In my world, your state of mind greatly affects how your physical body feels and, in the same way, your body affects how you feel mentally.

This means that as tensions, aches and knots dissolve in your body, you will also feel lighter in your mind.

But for a quick and long-lasting improvement, we also work with emotions and mind.

Then body and mind help each other and the body can fully use its amazing self-healing ability.

With my various trainings at, among others, Axelson's GI and the Mediyoga Institute combined experiences, I use bioenergy, lymphatic massage, energy medicine, healing, essential oils, herbs together with conversation to adapt the treatment for your best. Also holds training courses, see below courses.

Are you ready to feel good?

On an ordinary day at the end of October, I suddenly stop and think. Of course, for things to happen, some type of movement must take place.

When you look at a still, smooth surface of water, nothing will change unless some movement occurs.

If you drop a rock or a windlass across the water, the movement will cause the surface to change. The change will continue and expand indefinitely, though

the force of impact is small. Think then what can happen if we drop more stones and influence a little more!

In the same way, I look at people I meet. If you don't change anything in your life, everything will be the same. If, however, you change something, never

so small, it will affect more and more things than you can ever imagine.

In a treatment or influence if you like, the whole you is seen, body, soul, spirit.

Your physical body with muscles, tendons, joints, spine, your internal systems, nervous system, immune system, endocrine system, lymphatic and blood system.

Your aura, your chakras, your energy body.

Through influence from several sides, we get a positive effect that works with blockages from

several directions. My belief is that stiffness and pain in the body and stiffness and pain in the

the mind is bound together and should be treated accordingly.

Yvonne Kamb/Hamaya

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